Science Tutoring
Uh Oh... Is your science grade sinking? Help is here! It's the Kapaa High super science squad to the rescue.
We can help you resuscitate your grade.The following teachers are available after school to help with tutoring, homework problems, etc.
- Tuesdays: Walker B201, Cox 200
- Wednesdays: CoxB200, Goodale S108
- Fridays: KitamuraS107, Stuart B203
Nov.16 Winter Court Elections during 1 st period. Wishing all of you the best of luck.
Nov. 15-22 Winter Ball Contracts and Payments are being collected at Mrs. Watanabes office (STDNT CNTR). Payments are $45.00 per person (CASH ONLY).
Senior group photo will be taken on Tues. Nov. 16 during lunch in the gym. Signs should be NO LARGER THAN 24" by 36". Anything deemed inappropriate in size, language, or material will be confiscated by myself or administration.
Scholarships: Seniors should come in to the counselor's office to check out the college scholarship drawer.
Students that are on the list for the College and Career Fair should report to the bus turnaround on Monday morning, November 15 at 8:25AM. Students must be wearing their SCHOOL SHIRT and should not bring their Ipods or any other electronic device. All Cellphones should be turned off also. Thank joan 1/4
Spanish Club meeting in D202 at lunch. Spanish Club dues to be collected at this meeting. $10. Gracias
Interact Club: Monday November 15 Interact Club members should bring in their Kauai United Way Walkathon pledges and pick up their T-shirts, during lunch and recess. Thank you, Aunty Joan
Paddling: All paddlers - your jersey and apparel order is due on FRI. 11/12. Direct all questions to Mrs. Holly Walker at 651-4095.
Bowling: Are you intrested in joining a Bowling League come to Mrs. Makanani's rm. A15 on Mon. Nov.15 or Tue. Nov 16 during morning recess.
Nov. 15-22 Winter Ball Contracts and Payments are being collected at Mrs. Watanabes office (STDNT CNTR). Payments are $45.00 per person (CASH ONLY).
Senior group photo will be taken on Tues. Nov. 16 during lunch in the gym. Signs should be NO LARGER THAN 24" by 36". Anything deemed inappropriate in size, language, or material will be confiscated by myself or administration.
Scholarships: Seniors should come in to the counselor's office to check out the college scholarship drawer.
Students that are on the list for the College and Career Fair should report to the bus turnaround on Monday morning, November 15 at 8:25AM. Students must be wearing their SCHOOL SHIRT and should not bring their Ipods or any other electronic device. All Cellphones should be turned off also. Thank joan 1/4
Spanish Club meeting in D202 at lunch. Spanish Club dues to be collected at this meeting. $10. Gracias
Interact Club: Monday November 15 Interact Club members should bring in their Kauai United Way Walkathon pledges and pick up their T-shirts, during lunch and recess. Thank you, Aunty Joan
Paddling: All paddlers - your jersey and apparel order is due on FRI. 11/12. Direct all questions to Mrs. Holly Walker at 651-4095.
Bowling: Are you intrested in joining a Bowling League come to Mrs. Makanani's rm. A15 on Mon. Nov.15 or Tue. Nov 16 during morning recess.