Kapaa High School | 4695 Mailihuna Rd. Kapaa, HI 96746 | Main Office Hours: 7am - 4pm M-F, Year Round | 808.821-4400

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


                                     DAILY ANNOUNCEMENTS
                            WEDNESDAY– MAY 09, 2012                                 
         “Kapa’a High School cares for and support ALL Students
    be prepared for college career, and citizenship in the 21st century

KAPA’A HIGH ALL:                
Congratulations to the Senior Class of 2012!!!!
The County of Kauai Permit Division has once again advised Kapa'a High School that an application and payment for a permit is needed to hang "Congratulation Banners" for Seniors on ANY of the fences in Kapa’a Town.
It is AGAINST the LAW to hang Posters, Sheet Banners, or even Professional Banners around KAPA'A town WITHOUT a proper PERMIT!!!

Please tell your Parents, Aunties, Uncles, Cousins, and Friends Do not hang banners on ANY fences in Kapa'a Town!!
Safety ALERT!!!  
A graduation banner broke loose and landed on a car's windshield, thankfully no one was hurt . . . but it could have. . . Also, no one takes them down after graduation, so don't put them up.
BE SAFE!!! And please help Kapa'a High keep our great rapport
with the County of Kauai Permit Division.

GRADUATION DAY will be on Friday, May 18 at 6:30 pm Kapaa New Town Park.

The Library will be closed for the rest of the school year starting this Wednesday 5/9.  It will be closed for a number of AP testing days, senior awards, and library procedures. 
Students may come in only to return books.

It’s that time of the year again! In support of this year’s Memorial Day Observance, Please sew a lei in honor of our service men and women.
•    Lei should be 24" in length and made of flowers/leaves that will keep for several days.
•    Flower lei should be tied together to form a loop.
•    Ti leave lei need not be tied together.
•    NOTE:  Paper lei and bouquets CANNOT be accepted due to cemetery restrictions
Please start turning in your library books and textbooks to the Library.  All books must be returned directly to the library for them to get cleared off your account. 

Teachers will be handing out pink notices from the Library.  They lists all the books you need to returned before the end of the school year.

Overdue Books & Books from other Schools Due:  ASAP
Library Books Due by:  Monday 5/14
Textbooks for SENIORS Due by:  Wednesday 5/16
All other Textbooks Due by:  Wednesday 5/23

Yearbooks - SY 2011-12: Starting on Tuesday, May 8th the yearbooks will be distributed to the Seniors. Important that we acknowledge the good work produced by the yearbook students and teacher Jackie Yoshi. Ms. Yoshi stepped in covering for Chanelle Quinones and the results speak for itself. Want to also say "arigato" to Chanelle as she made it a point to communicate with Ms. Yoshi throughout. We need your assistance in sharing this reminder that there are additional yearbooks for sale. Last school year the yearbook class incurred a deficit due to the amount of unsold yearbooks.

SENIOR SONG PRACTICE DAYS STARTS AT 3:00PM CAFETERIA                                                                          
         BOYS:                                             GIRLS
         MAY 08       ALL STUDENTS          MAY 08
         MAY 10       ALL STUDENTS          MAY 10
         MAY 15     ALL   STUDENTS          MAY 15
         MAY 17    ALL  MANDATORY        MAY 17
         MAY 18    ALL   MANDATORY       MAY 18

Attention All Bowlers!!!!
The 2012-13 Warrior Girls and Boys Bowling Team sign ups continues through May 18 at the front office.  Whether you're a long-time bowler or just starting out---all are welcome!  We will have an informational meeting on Monday, May 21 @3:45p.m. near the front office and plan to practice through the summer. 
For more information, please see Mrs. Chang who is the Bowling Team Head Coach.

Kapaa HS Athletic Department
Athletic Awards Ceremony
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
7:00 p.m.
All Student-Athletes, Parents, Family Members and Coaches are invited.
Please bring a dessert to share!
We will recognize and honor both individual and team accomplishments from the past school year!