Kapaa High School | 4695 Mailihuna Rd. Kapaa, HI 96746 | Main Office Hours: 7am - 4pm M-F, Year Round | 808.821-4400

Monday, August 22, 2011


ISHIGAKI, OKINAWA will be doing their performance today during lunch time in from of the Administration building. Come and enjoy the music and dancing.

TUTORING is back. The tutors will be in P160 during lunch and after school. AFTER SCHOOL 2:30-3:30 PM.
During August: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday
Starting in September: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. The tutors have decided to stay in P160 rather than move to i102.

ID picture taking will be done this week, August 22-26, at the Front Office for all NEW teachers and staff, also for all those whose IDs are EXPIRED and would like to RETAKE a picture. If you don't want a retake, your picture on file will be used. All new and replacement for expired IDs are free of charge. Replacements thereafter, besides name or title change is $5.00 Come during recess or your prep period and see LEAH.

We are having a Senior special for those who would like to retake your ID picture, you are welcome to do so this week, August 22-26 during morning recess and lunch at the Front Office. Free of charge for a limited time. Any replacements for IDs will be a $5 charge thereafter. If you miss this week, ID pics will be done every Monday during morning recess only for the month of September.

Attention seniors: the senior parking lot gate will be open the first 10 minutes of lunch, then locked until the end of lunch. Security will be there at the beginning of lunch, then at the end to reopen the gate to allow seniors who stay for lunch. When PD. 5 begins the gate will be locked.

Students: Interested in joining the Interact Club? There's still time to get the form from Aunty Joan (Counseling Office), Mrs. Esaki (Library), Ms. Carvalho (S103) or president Michaelle Jae Cruz. All forms and money must be turned in by Wednesday, August 31 to Aunty Joan. 1/7

Interested in how you can do your part to take care of the Earth? Come join us!
Earth Club meeting every other Monday at lunch in Mrs. Rivers room, B201.
First meeting on Monday, 8/29. Items to be discussed include electing officers, and setting goals for the year. Please be on time, meeting starts at 12:00

First Spanish Club meeting in D205, Lunch Thursday August 25, 2011. $10 dues due next week. Shirt discussion and club goals will be discussed in the first meeting.