Faculty and Staff:
PLEASE Support our Cafeteria by enjoying meals at the cafeteria during the month of September! Your attendance will help determine the amount of staff they will keep or lose for the year. Let’s show them that they’re important to us and we appreciate what they do for our cafeteria! MAHALO FOR YOUR KOKUA!
If you missed ID picture taking and renewals last week, please email me or leave a message on my desk to arrange a time so I know when to expect you.
Students that do not have a meal card or lost your meal card may purchase one for $5.00 at the main office during the morning and lunch time. If you forgot your meal card at home you will be calling your parents to bring it for you so please try to remember to put it in your backpack or your bag first thing in the morning. NO CARD NO MEAL THANK YOU.
If you missed ID picture taking last week, you may still renew your ID on Mondays through September at morning recess. If you took a picture, please pick it up during morning recess.
Seniors, College Representatives have scheduled their visits to Kapaa High, if you are interested in any, please come to the counseling office to sign up to be included. 2/6
Sept. 12 Santa Clara University, CA 6th Period Nov. 4 Pacific University, OR 10:30
Sept.14 Western Oregon University 4th Period Nov. 16 UH Hilo 2nd Period
Sept. 16 Hawaii Tokai International 3rd Period
Spanich Club this Thursday in Room D205, at lunch. Dues of $10 due, officers will be voted upon. Gracias!
National Honor Society Members:
There will be a General Meeting on Wednesday, September 7th at 11:35 AM in Room D-103. Bring your $10 dues (required) and $10 for a shirt (optional). Please be prompt. Also, elementary school tutoring has begun! Make sure to get 10 tutoring sessions done ASAP. Sign up in room S-101.
Interact Club Members: The 2011 Youth Leadership Conference - Registration forms need to be turned in As Soon As Possible!!!! They will be accepting the first 100 students from all the high schools.
Please see Aunty Joan in the counselor's office if you need a registration form. Also Interact Club registration forms need to be turned in ASAP too!! First meeting on Sept 8, next Thursday, lunchtime!!
All girls interested in playing on this year's Girls JV or Varsity Soccer teams:
Coach Lynn Minei will be having an informational meeting on FRIDAY, September 9 at 2:30 p.m. Meet at the Girls Locker room.
If you cannot make the meeting, call Coach Minei at 652-9614.