Thursday is the first deadline for Federal Survey cards; many classes have not turned any cards in. So far I have about 120 cards, about one tenth of the school population. Please turn in completed cards to your first period teachers, and teachers, please turn them in to Mr. Harrison. We are expected to return ALL cards, so if they don't come in now, we will be hounding you for them as the year goes by.
These cards help bring federal $$ to the school, so the more cards that come in the better chance we get of more $$. Please support the program and get your completed cards in. Mahalo, Admin.
Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA) club sign ups are happening now! If you would like to be a part of HOSA, pick up a form from Ms. Kitamura in room R102. All forms are due this Friday with your payment of $13 for registration fees. 2/3
Senior Girls
Any Senior girl interested in applying for the Kauai Veteran's Council Scholarship should pick an application from the Counseling office. Application must be received by Sept. 30th, 2011. 1/3
Collection for the Yearbook begins Mon. Sept. 19. Please turn in your items & payment at room D-103 during lunch recess. Last day is Fri. Sept. 30. If you are unsure of what to turn in, please see one of the flyers or posters around campus.
Seniors, College Representatives have scheduled their visits to Kapaa High, if you are interested in any, please come to the counseling office to sign up to be included. 3/6
Nov. 4 Pacific University, OR 10:30
Sept.14 Western Oregon University 4th Period Nov. 16 UH Hilo 2nd Period
Sept. 16 Hawaii Tokai International 3rd Period
Senior & Juniors:
Any students interested in the US Marine Corp, the recruiter will be on campus on Wednesday, during 3rd period. If you are interested please see your counselor by recess. 1/2
Last chance to buy an awesome Junior class shirt. You can show your class pride for only $15. Bring cash or a check written to Kapa'a High School to Ms. Kitamura in room R102 this week. We want to have them here for you to wear for homecoming so no more extentions!
Last Chance to hand in Registration. Absolute last day is Friday, Sept 16.
Also if you missed the meeting please come in to pick up your United Way Pledge Form. Meeting for the Social committee is on Thursday, Sept.15 at lunch in Ms. Carvalho's Room, S103
Everyone should be signing up for the 2 community service projects with Aunty Joan. 1/3
Spanish Club meeting and party on Thursday September 15th at lunch, room D205. Celebrat Mexican Independence day (the 16th of September). Bring your dues, and we will vote for officers. Gracias