Kapaa High School | 4695 Mailihuna Rd. Kapaa, HI 96746 | Main Office Hours: 7am - 4pm M-F, Year Round | 808.821-4400

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

November Menu

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B: Cereal, Toast B: Scramble Eggs, Rice B: Pizza Pocket, Toast B: Waffle, Turkey Ham
R: Pancake on Stick, Toast R: Portuguese Sausage, Rice R: Pizza Pocket, Toast R: Waffle, Turkey Ham
L: Chili Dog, Rice L:Chicken Nuggets, Rice L: Beef & Bean Burrito,Rounds L:Baked Chicken,MashPot/Gravy
Alt: Pastrami, Bun, Fries Alt: Ham/Cheese, Bun, Fries Alt: Chicken Patty, Rice,Gravy Alt: Kalua Pork, Bun, Fries
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B: Portuguese Sausage, Rice B: Cinnamon Roll B: Pancake, Poultry Patty B: Chicken Dog, Rice
R: Portuguese Sausage, Rice R: Cinnamon Roll R: Pancake, Poultry Patty R: Chicken Dog, Rice NO SCHOOL
L: Chicken Sticks, Rice L: Meatloaf,Mash Potato,Gravy L: EggRoll,ChickenStrips,Noodles L:Kalua Pork on Bun, Rounds
Alt: Chili, Rice Alt: Tuna,Bun,Fries Alt: Meatballs, Rice, Gravy Alt: Chicken Nuggets, Rice
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B: Cheese Quesidilla B: Turkey Ham&Egg Patty, Bun B: French Toast, Turkey Links B: Chicken Patty, Banana Bread B: Portuguese Sausage, Rice
R:Cheese Quesidilla R: Turkey Ham&EggPatty, Bun R: French Toast, Turkey Links R: Chicken Patty, Banana Bread R: Portuguese Sausage, Rice
L: Chili Dog on Bun, Fries L: Chicken Patty, Rice, Gravy L: Creole Macaroni, Bread L:BBQ Pork Patty,Bun, Fries L: Turkey, Mash Potato, Gravy
Alt: Chicken Sticks, Rice Alt: Turkey Ham, Bun, Fries Alt: Chicken Nuggets, Rice Alt: Chicken Strips, Rice Alt: Cheeseburger,Bun,Fries
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B: Pizza Pocket, Toast B: Pancakes, Chicken Dog B: Bagel, Cream Cheese
R: Pizza Pocket, Toast R: Pancakes, Chicken Dog R: Bagel, Cream Cheese THANKSGIVING NO SCHOOL
L: Teri-Cheeseburger,Rounds L: Pastrami, Bun, Fries L: Oriental Chicken, Rice
Alt:Pork Chop Patty,Rice,Gravy Alt: Chicken Patty, Rice Alt: Hotdog, Bun,Fries
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B: Cereal,Turkey Links,Banana B: Breakfast Burrito, Salsa B: French Toast, Pork Patty
R: Pizza Pocket, Toast R: Breakfast Burrito, Salsa R: French Toast, Pork Patty
L: Chicken Patty, Bun, Fries L: Spaghetti, Bread L: Pork Chop Patty, Rice, Gravy
Alt: Chili, Rice Alt: Chicken Nuggets, Rice Alt: Pastrami, Bun, Fries
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