As of 3/7/2012, Kapaa High School is now in 5th place...thank you!!!
1) Lahainaluna 1,802,084 points
2) Kahuku 1,800,845 points
3) Maui 1,524,507 points
4) Hilo 1,416,495 points
5) Kapaa 1,359,942 points
6) Baldwin 1,359,331 points
So Shop, Shop, Shop at Foodland. The Foodland's Shop for Higher Education Program ends March 20.
Special Olympics Swim Team for Kapaa High School are collecting pledges for our Swim-A-Thon to be held on March 26, 2012. The pledges we collect will be used to take our team to Oahu in May for Special Olympic State Games. Poster will be posted around the school so that faculty, staff, and students help support us by pledging us. I will have a pledge box in my Room A9A Mapuhi where anyone can come and drop money (even $ 1.00 would help). Ig anyone pledges $ 25.00 or more I will take their name and Shirt Size and they will receive a free Special Olympic T-shirt. We really need support for our Special Olympics Swim Team. However much money we earn as a team, at the our Fundraiser Swim-A-Thon on March 26, 2012, as the coach I need to swim 50% of the pledges we earned in laps. our athletes will split up the rest of the pledges and they must swim those laps also.
Student when upgrading from Provisional License to a 4 year full License you need to bring in BIRTH CERTIFICATE and SOCIAL SECURITY CARD all original documents no faxes or copies. Legal Presence Law started on March 5, 2012.