WINTER ASSEMBLY IS THURSDAY, DEC. 16 ON BELL SCHEDULE #2 (1:10 - 2:20)The library will be closed during lunch time on Monday, December 13 due to the PSAT distribution and presentation scheduled by the Counselors. 1/2
Welcome to Semester One Exam Week 2010! As you know, teachers will be assessing your learning and growth over the 2 nd quarter and 1 st semester. Your grades can be substantially boosted by:
- * Putting forth both time and effort in studying, reviewing, or finishing up projects.
- Getting a good night’s sleep each night, and eating a good breakfast each day.
- Coming to class both on time and prepared.
- Maintaining both your focus and interest levels through this last week.
- Taking out a little time each day to relax, breathe and exercise.
- Doing your part to maintain an orderly and studious environment around campus so that all Kapaa High students can excel.
Your teachers and the staff want to encourage and support you to do your best during this important week. Make us proud in your studies and grades: GO KAPPA HIGH WARRIORS!
All Talent Show Participants; rehearsal for the Winter Assembly/Talent Show will be on Wednesday, Dec. 15th at 7:30pm in the gym.
Winter Ball Court will be having rehearsal on Wednesday, Dec. 15th during lunch in the gym. Be on time!
All Student Council members, set up for the Winter Assembly will be on Wednesday, Dec. 15th at 7:00 pm in the gym. Everyone be there and on time!
Any student who is not ready to turn in their registration form on Friday, December 3rd can do so from December 6- December 10 at the Counseling Office during non-classroom time only. These forms will be stamped "LATE" and processed after the completed forms. No guarantees on course selection for the "LATE" forms.
Those who turn in incomplete forms - the Counselors and /or Registrar will complete your schedule. You will be placed in whatever is available.
Those who do not turn in a registration form by December 10 - the Counselors and/or Registrar will make your schedule. You will be placed in whatever is available.
The cafeteria will not be accepting verbal numbers though out the school year. You need to have your ID present to pick up a meal. Please check with the Front Office or a cashier about your balance. If you have no money, your meal will have to be returned. If not, you will be reported to our police officer for theft.
Students without an ID card may purchase a replacement card for $5.00 at the Front Office during recess. New students and students who have not yet taken a picture during your freshman year here, may report to the Front Office on Wednesdays during morning recess. All students will be given a temporary meal pass until your ID card is ready.
Attention Seniors: please read and sign your senior contracts with your parents and turn in the second page to the main office by Thursday, December 16. As long as you are planning on walking, you must live by the senior contract, signed or not. The contracts go into affect when the 3rd quarter begins, Jan. 5, 2011.
Juniors, Sophomores and Freshmen:
The PSAT resutls are in. If you took it back in October here on our campus, come by to pick up your results and listen to the presentation. It has been scheduled for Monday, December 13 during lunchtime in the library. Please be prompt, so we can cover everything we need to do with you. If you are not able to pick up your results at that time, you can pick it up from the Counseling Office during lunch time only on Wednesday, December 15 and Thursday, December 16. 1/2
Spanish Club will be selling candy canes to give to your Friends and Teachers next week. Please come to the table in the court yard this Thursday and Friday to sign up to send a candy cane to a Teacher and Classmate. They may be anonymously sent. Cost $1.00 per candy cane. To be delivered Thursday before Christmas Vacation. You may also fill out a form in Mrs. Rapozo (D202) or Ms. Verzosa's (P148) classroom during lunch and recess. Help support our club and do something nice for someone or everyone.
Attention Seniors: please read and sign your senior contracts with your parents and turn in the second page to the main office by Thursday, December 16. As long as you are planning on walking, you must live by the senior contract, signed or not. The contracts go into affect when the 3rd quarter begins, Jan. 5, 2011.
Juniors, Sophomores and Freshmen:
The PSAT resutls are in. If you took it back in October here on our campus, come by to pick up your results and listen to the presentation. It has been scheduled for Monday, December 13 during lunchtime in the library. Please be prompt, so we can cover everything we need to do with you. If you are not able to pick up your results at that time, you can pick it up from the Counseling Office during lunch time only on Wednesday, December 15 and Thursday, December 16. 1/2
Spanish Club will be selling candy canes to give to your Friends and Teachers next week. Please come to the table in the court yard this Thursday and Friday to sign up to send a candy cane to a Teacher and Classmate. They may be anonymously sent. Cost $1.00 per candy cane. To be delivered Thursday before Christmas Vacation. You may also fill out a form in Mrs. Rapozo (D202) or Ms. Verzosa's (P148) classroom during lunch and recess. Help support our club and do something nice for someone or everyone.