A great way to start any weekly update is sharing about students' accomplishments and community partnerships:
* Congratulations to the boys soccer team for their terrific showing and solid play at this past weekend's State Soccer Finals. Great job for an outstanding season as we are very proud of you.
* Kudos to our Kapaa and Waimea High JROTC programs for a successful 15th Annual Joint Military Ball. Students representing Warrior and Menehune Battalions' Corps of Cadets and their special quests represented their schools proudly as it was an enjoyable evening.
* American Savings Bank – Bank for Education award of $10,000 will help further support our school's technology vision. Planned presentation is scheduled for March following Spring Recess. Looking at having Bank of America's officers and other technology partners visit some of our classrooms during that media day.
Construction updates:
* Telecommunications: R Electric Construction is progressing in a very timely schedule. Their night crew recently completed major placement of conduits in buildings A, D, B, I and F. Teachers and staff in buildings M, R and S can expect the electricians to be working on your buildings this week.
* Solar Electric Panels : Conversion to having solar energy help power our electrical needs continue as our school facilities were recently assessed for the solar panel installations. While the contractors haven't yet been named officially, plans are to begin installation of the panels within the year for both Kapaa Elementary and High schools.
* Girls Softball Stadium: A few minor items remain outstanding before officially accepting the stadium. Items include the needed drainage adjustments in the left outfield area, replacing the bases, and additional rain protection for the food concession building. Our goal remains in having the girl's softball team play on their own home field at the beginning of this season.
Special Assemblies: With students are faced with numerous challenges dealing with bullying, suicides, digital environments, etc., PCNC Nancy Borilez and Title I are sponsoring an outstanding speaker in FBI Special Agent, Arnold Laanui Jr. Assemblies addressing ethics in a digital world entitled "Digital Tattoos" are planned for Thursday, March 1, 2012. Day assemblies for our students and an evening session for parents/community. More specifics will be shared shortly and attached below is the parent & community flyer.
Hawaii State Assessment updates: After the second round of testing, data for grade 10 students' show continued growth. In English, about 69% of the students have met proficiency with 91% participation rate. Mathematics results show about 39% at proficiency with 94% participation. The Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) targets are 72%. Schools can have their students take the HSA three times and use their best scores. Science will be administering their assessments this week.
Finally, want to speak to the ongoing parent conferences. Parents of identified struggling students are contacted to meet with teachers, counselors, school services coordinator and administration. Overall, parents' feedback has been positive and confident that we should be seeing progress with a good majority of the students. Want to acknowledge our HUI teachers as they have been using their lunch period to meet with students/parents.
Weekly Calendar:
Monday, Feb. 20th: Holiday - Presidents' Day
Tuesday, Feb. 21st: School Community Council meeting - Student Center @6:00 p.m.
Wednesday, Feb. 22nd: Faculty PLC sessions - Chorus room @1:50 p.m.
Thursday, Feb. 23rd: HUI Collaboration 8 - 2:45 p.m.
Common Planning 2:20 p.m.
Have a great week!