During the month of April 2011, Kapaa High School will be hosting an HSTA STOP Work Information Meeting (SWIM) for all East Complex Area schools. We will also be conducting the Senior Project Presentations on our campus. This will result in a modification of our bell schedule for the following dates:
• April 8, 2011 HSTA SWIM Meeting Release Time: 1:15 PM
• April 18-21, 2011 Senior Project Release Time: 1:35 PM
Bus transportation will be provided as usual for students in possession of a valid bus pass.
Arrangements for any changes in transportation/pick-up of students should be made in advance.
Please help to spread the word so that everyone is informed of these changes and we may all have a considerable amount of time to arrange our schedules to accommodate these important events.
Your cooperation in this matter is greatly appreciated. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the above information, please call the Kapaa High School Main Office at 821-4400 and we’ll do our best to assist you.