Kapaa High School | 4695 Mailihuna Rd. Kapaa, HI 96746 | Main Office Hours: 7am - 4pm M-F, Year Round | 808.821-4400

Thursday, April 7, 2011



Sunny Ohlen just received word that she has been accepted to the student summer travel scholarship program sponsored by PAAC (Pacific and Asian Affairs Council)! She will be traveling this summer to Vietnam with a small group of Hawaii students that were accepted. Sunny is the first student from Kapaa High to be accepted to the scholarship travel program, so a BIG CONGRATULATIONS to her!!! Go Warriors!!!

Please extend our congratulations to Cadet Jacqueline Tacsiat as her essay placed second in the National JROTC Essay Contest for this SY 2010-11. Second place nationally with over 300,000 JROTC Cadets, this is outstanding! Jacqueline's accomplishment is truly a testament to herself, peers, teachers and community.

I'm helping the Foundation to get word out about their fundraising event on April 16.
I will put a registratin form in each of your boxes today. Coaches, see me.
They are having a Fun Run/Walk on the Kapaa Bike/Walk Path.
Registration is $40 in includes tank top and breakfast. Register before April 14th. Race Day will be $45.
7:00 a.m. start time on April 16. Kapaa Beach Park.
The Foundation has historically been very supportive of many programs here on campus. Your Kokua would be very much appreciated.
For more information contact Renee @ 639-7633.

Applications are now available at the Front Office for the 2011 Kapaa High Summer School. It will be held from June 13, 2011 to July 13, 2011 from 8:00am to 2:30pm. Payments are $190 for one course or $95 for one semester. Please turn in completed forms to the Front Office. Payments are $190 for one course or $95 for one semester. Confirmation letters will be mailed home starting May 1st. If the course is closed, a call home will be made for alternate choices.

Any Senior looking for a partime job, after school may call Mike Martinez at State Farm, Kapaa office at 821-2630 for information. 3/3

Want your pictures in the senior slideshow? Turn in up to five pictures by April 20th to Ms. Rundbaken. Make sure all pictures are scanned onto a CD or on a labeled flash drive. We will return the flash drives to you. There is a $5 fee for scanning images. We reserve the right to remove any photos that are not appropriate. 3/3

Project Grad Registration Forms and Payments are due April 1, 2011. There will be a $10 Late-fee will be added after April 1, 2011. Please submit forms and payments to Mrs. Keawe. 4/5

Cheer tryouts are re-scheduled for April 11th, 12th, 13th and 14th. The times and places are posted at the main office. If you did not already pick up a tryout packet please do so from the main office and don’t forget you need a current physical and parent permission form to tryout. Thank you!

There is an event that KIF AD’S are sponsoring on April 13th at Kauai High School Gym it starts at 7pm. It is a free seminar for all students and parents in grades 8-12 interested in getting recruited to play college sports.